THR Web Features   /   March 10, 2016

The Hedgehog’s Array: March 10, 2016

Noteworthy reads from the last week:

“Fair Usage,” Elisa Gabbert

“Descriptivism can quickly succumb to its own kind of smugness; it forms its own set of shibboleths and rules.”

“A bookseller’s guide to book thieves,” Emily Rhodes

“Stealing books is not, I think, wholly bad.”


“Everybody Freeze!,” Corey Pein 

“Thanks to all this high-profile backing, a true transhuman miracle has occurred: Alcor, a preposterous operation built on the unethical sale of false hope, remains in business.”



“A Century of Fakers,” Sasha Chapin

“It’s hard to know what to do with the fact that you can buy shoes studded with over four hundred diamonds in a world where hundreds of thousands of people are dying of diarrhea.”


“‘The less I can see, of the world, the more I can focus,” Susie Steiner

“Someone once told me, at great length, how losing his sight would be the absolute worst thing he could imagine. He’s dead now. There really are worse things.”

Hedgehogs abroad:

“Between the Hipsters and the Hasids,” Matthew Schmitz

“Starry-eyed longing for a binding community can become yet another way of surrendering to this world. Rather than living and working where we are, we dream of where else we might be.”

“The Counter-Desecration Phrasebook,” Alan Jacobs

“It is language, McFarlane reminds us—as we are constantly reminded by the writers who attend to place—that builds the vital bridge between the mountains out there and the mountains of the mind.”

“What’s Pro-Life About an AR-15?,” James Mumford

“Just because you’re free to do something doesn’t mean you should do it.”