THR Web Features   /   October 16, 2015

The Hedgehog’s Array: October 16, 2015

Noteworthy reads from the last week:

“The New Guilded Age,” Nathan Schneider

“After some years engaged in varied forms of entrepreneurship, they were trying to figure out what forms of organization would best suit their peers’ shifting working conditions. Neither unions nor chambers of commerce seemed suited to a generation that increasingly can’t count on having a fixed place of work. The Reverend Leng Lim, a minister and executive coach who lives across the street from the nuns, suggested that Chavez and his compatriots consider looking into guilds.”

“Raiders of the Lost Web,” Adrienne LaFrance

“You can't count on the web, okay? It’s unstable. You have to know this.”

“Danny Meyer Is Eliminating All Tipping at His Restaurants,” Ryan Sutton

“In an ideal world, eliminating tipping would be an easy matter of moving money from one bucket to another, with restaurants simply having to raise menu prices by 15 to 20 percent to make up for what patrons would have left as a gratuity.”

“Richard Spruce and the Trials of Victorian Bryology,” Elaine Ayers

“Mosses and hepatics, in the nineteenth century as now, were—perhaps unsurprisingly—relatively unpopular plants.”

“Fashioning Normal,” Esmé Weijun Wang“My talk for the clinic is one that I adjust for a variety of audiences: students, patients, doctors. It begins with this line: ‘It was winter in my sophomore year at a prestigious university.’ That phrase, prestigious university, is there to underscore my kempt hair, the silk dress, my makeup, the dignified shoes.”