Becca Rothfeld


Becca Rothfeld is non-fiction book critic for the Washington Post. She is the author of All Things Are Too Small: Essays in Praise of Excess.

Principled to a Fault

from Distinctions That Define and Divide, Volume 23, Number 2

On the face of it, Simone Weil is a remarkably poor candidate for domestication.

To Have and To Hold

from Questioning the Quantified Life, Volume 22, Number 2

In the end, your collection always ends up collecting you.

Season of the Witch

from Monsters, Volume 22, Number 1

Today’s witches are no longer experts in the “occult.” Instead, they rush to aid the downtrodden—and to publish their potion recipes in best-selling how-to guides.

Murder on the Installment Plan

from Identities—What Are They Good For?, Volume 20, Number 2

When it comes to serial killers, solving the crime can’t solve anything satisfying.

Ladies in Waiting

from The Cultural Contradictions of Modern Science, Volume 18, Number 3

There’s a certain eroticism to waiting. Even if—or more accurately because—it’s a painful experience.

Eros Further Unbound: An Exchange

Debating the stakes of the “New Puritanism”