Mark Edmundson


Mark Edmundson is University Professor in the Department of English at the University of Virginia. His books include Why Football Matters: My Education in the Game, Why Teach?, and Self and Soul: A Defense of Ideals.

The Metaphysics of the Hangover

from The Meaning of Cities, Volume 19, Number 2

A hangover is about being poisoned, no doubt. The toxins linger in the body and must be expelled, or waited out. We’re sick with a mini-flu and need to get better. But isn’t a hangover about more than physical toxins, at least some of the time?

Body and Soul

from The Body in Question, Volume 17, Number 2

Does the body still exist if we do not have souls?

One Nation Under Fear

from Thinking About the Poor, Volume 16, Number 3

We have become a nation and a people that simply cannot abide risks.

A Word to the New Humanities Professor

from What’s the University For?, Volume 2, Number 3

How does a contemporary humanities professor abet the pursuit of enjoyment?

Beyond Elon

The culture at large has overrated Smart.

America’s Cloven Fiction

By affirming one side and suppressing the other, we make ourselves into half men and half women.

Something Happened to Me the Other Day

When someone so much as touches a state vehicle, the wheels of justice begin to turn, and that’s that.

Changing Times

Once upon a time there was a publication that was doing all it could to tell a straight story and to listen to all sides.

Dare We Call It Charisma?

A trick that only the most gifted demagogues can bring off.

You liberal you!

A human spirit of community and kindness can be learned. But it can also be forgotten.

Remembering Kobe with Respect, Not Adulation

Dear friends: The man bounced a rubber ball for a living.

It’s Complicated

What’s up with us humans, us American humans, that we’re committing ourselves more and more to unbending postures?