Matthew B. Crawford


Matthew B. Crawford writes the Substack Archedelia and is a senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. His books include Why We Drive: Toward a Philosophy of the Open RoadThe World Beyond Your Head: On Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction, and the best-selling Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work.

California Road Trip

from The Varieties of Travel Experience, Volume 26, Number 2

A trip down the California coast has an aspect of memory and return to it.

The COVID Regime and the Liberal Subject

from Theological Variations, Volume 25, Number 2

COVID made visible the usually subterranean core of the liberal project, which is not merely political but anthropological.


from Identities—What Are They Good For?, Volume 20, Number 2

We hear it said a lot these days: white privilege, male privilege, cisgender privilege

On Frank Speech

from Meritocracy and its Discontents, Volume 18, Number 2

The role of frank speech in democratic culture is something worth considering, especially in light of the renewed ferment over political correctness.

How We Lost Our Attention

from Minding Our Minds, Volume 16, Number 2

This is a fertile time in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science for thinking about attention.

Agency Versus Autonomy

from The Phantom Economy, Volume 12, Number 2

We have too few occasions to do anything because of a certain pre-determination of things from afar.

Crawford Responds

from The Phantom Economy, Volume 12, Number 2

There are certain kinds of work that thwart the logic of remote control.

AI as Self-Erasure

Liberal public culture is a culture of polite separation.

My Father Was There When I Really Needed Him

A  lesson in what it takes to be a father, and why a kid might want to have one.


According to current usage, privilege means something like good fortune.