S.D. Chrostowska


S.D. Chrostowska is professor of humanities at York University. Her books include Utopia in the Age of Survival and The Eyelid.

Is There a Place for Utopia?

from Distinctions That Define and Divide, Volume 23, Number 2

Consider embracing utopia at once as indeterminate speculation about a qualitatively better future and as a hypothesis, by assuming it to be possible.

Trajectory of a Dream

from Reality and Its Alternatives, Volume 21, Number 2

Why do dreams, aside from those that prove uncannily prophetic, not befit our biography?

The Man without Identities

from Identities—What Are They Good For?, Volume 20, Number 2

On the surface, the meaning of cosmopolitanism has not much changed, which is to say that it remains amphibolous and reversible.

The Modern Beggar

from The Human and the Digital, Volume 20, Number 1

The lack of cultural capital spurs a form of social begging intended to expand and upgrade the supplicant’s social network.

Lockdown Nostalgia

The return to normalcy will be long, and we might even change our mind along the way.