Kyle Edward Williams


Kyle Edward Williams is senior editor of The Hedgehog Review and author of Taming the Octopus: The Long Battle for the Soul of the Corporation.


from The Varieties of Travel Experience, Volume 26, Number 2

It is remarkable how little the usage of vibes has changed from the era of the counterculture to the present day.

The Myth of the Friedman Doctrine

from Markets and the Good, Volume 25, Number 3

Friedman’s viewpoint went far deeper and has been more lasting than the politics of 1970.

How Not to Tell Stories About Corporate Capitalism

from Theological Variations, Volume 25, Number 2

Turning the history of capitalism into a morality tale about good guys and bad guys is tempting.

The Living Faith of the Dead

from By Theory Possessed, Volume 25, Number 1

Tradition is stalked by the uncertain possibility of either faithfulness or infidelity, handing down or handing over.

The Use and Abuse of History

from The Use and Abuse of History, Volume 24, Number 2

History is far too important a thing to be reduced to the special possession of a class of experts.

What Are the Humanities Good For?

from Distinctions That Define and Divide, Volume 23, Number 2

One of the problems with crises is that they require too much time and attention.

Don’t Be Evil

from The Human and the Digital, Volume 20, Number 1

Is Whole Foods a kind of morality tale, a story of what happens when a company that started with good intentions gets too big too fast?

Amazon and Us

We are distinctly susceptible to businesses that ingeniously cater to and profit from our greatest vulnerabilities

The Lessons of GameStop

Just exactly who are the barbarians at the gate?

Covidien and the Failure of Corporate Social Responsibility

We can’t take CEOs’ high-flown gestures at face value.