Christopher Sandford


Christopher Sandford is the author of Union Jack: John F. Kennedy’s Special Relationship with Great Britain and Masters of Mystery: The Strange Friendship of Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini. He has worked as a film and music writer and reviewer for more than twenty years.

Why America Needs Cricket

from After Neoliberalism?, Volume 27, Number 1

Cricket is surely the perfect corrective for a TikTok generation.

Lenin’s Tomb

from Missing Character, Volume 26, Number 1

At the climax of this progress into the inner depths of the mausoleum, a glimpse of Lenin himself suddenly appeared before us.

To the Depths and Back

from The Use and Abuse of History, Volume 24, Number 2

Dostoevsky is an author who takes risks, makes us both laugh and wince.

O imitators, you slavish herd!

from Questioning the Quantified Life, Volume 22, Number 2

In the event you needed any further bad news in this year of the coronavirus pandemic, you’ll find it in this piercing, distressing, and shaming account of our tendency to follow the herd.

“Rivers of Blood” Revisited

from The Evening of Life, Volume 20, Number 3

Powell reached the apogee of his lifelong political brinkmanship, or, conversely, committed professional suicide—in either case, instantly establishing his personal legend—on April 20, 1968.

The Summer of Love

from The Post-Modern Self, Volume 19, Number 1

For millions of young Britons, it seems fair to say that sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll took their place against a normal existence of knitting, cricket, and worrying about exams.