French Secularism and the “Islamic Veil Affair”

Talal Asad

The ways in which the concept of “religion” operates in that culture as motive and as effect, how it mutates, what it affords and obstructs, what memories it shelters or excludes, are not eternally fixed. 

Recess Coaches

The Editors

In an era of life coaches, we now have “recess coaches.”

The Kids Are Alright

Murray Milner, Jr.

Should we be as concerned about equality of outcomes as we are about equality of opportunity?

More Than a Historical Accident

Chad Wellmon

Whatever their differences, these accounts of a university in crisis shine a bright light on the system that manages the relationship of the university to the broader culture.

Watching and Worrying

Jeffrey S. Dill

The author’s interpretive framework truncates the narrative by forcing her to see thick cultural issues only through the lens of social class.

Holding Them Closer

Carl Desportes Bowman

The successful formation and launching of children still matters; it is just that parents don’t want to launch them very far.

The Cultural Contours of Parenthood

Stephanie Muravchik

Given that most Americans now assume that children are priceless and fragile, it is no surprise that many have striven to remove all risks they might face.

Resisting Complacency, Fear, and the Philistine

Leon Botstein

We have allowed the American university to be a farm team for professional sports.

Knowledge, Virtue, and the Research University

Chad Wellmon

Training in objective, scholarly techniques would produce particular types of ethical subjects.

It’s Never Too Late

Charles Glenn

Every productive adult in our society needs an education that fully engages the mind and the heart.

The Strange Afterlife of William McGuffey and His Readers

Johann N. Neem

Whether revering or rejecting his work, McGuffey’s fans and detractors both manage to miss the point of his original project.

The Corporate Professor

Jennifer L. Geddes

Exploring the bureaucratization of the life of the mind.

The Auden Course

Wilfred M. McClay

Who could survive such a feast, let alone digest it?

Liberatory Education

Leslie W. Lewis

Education in the service of reparation can heal and make whole both individual persons and all of us.

The Graduate

Leann Davis Alspaugh

How do you assess rehabilitation?

Schooling in the Age of Human Capital

Daniel Markovits

Metrics do not and, in fact, cannot measure any intelligible conception of excellence at all

Technosolutionism Isn’t the Fix

Christine Rosen

We shouldn’t assume that the measures we take to combat the coronavirus today are temporary.

“Peace” and the Organization Kid

Mike St. Thomas

Have we exchanged our desire for its objects?

What Are the Humanities Good For?

Kyle Edward Williams

One of the problems with crises is that they require too much time and attention.

Too Many Doctors in the House

Ronald W. Dworkin

The title of "doctor" is a very useful thing, provided you can make other people believe it is important.

How to Be Yourself

Joseph E. Davis

How is an alignment of the authentic self and the college admissions process possible?

You’re Not the Boss of Me

Rita Koganzon

The liberty of the adult citizen depends on the subordination of the prepolitical child.

Language Machinery

Richard Hughes Gibson

The ultimate semantic receivers, selectors, and transmitters are still us.

The Coddling of the American Undergraduate

Rita Koganzon

Today, the “college experience” centered on a residential life that promises to envelope students in a warm, intimate community has hardened into something more totalizing than even the blundering late-twentieth-century project of enforcing political correctness.

The Basis of Everything

Joseph E. Davis

The growing damage to truthfulness reflects something more—not just a personal discrepancy but a deep social discrepancy as well.

Vocation and Moral Imagination

Angel Adams Parham

This is why the stories we surround ourselves with and immerse ourselves in matter.

In Search of the Broad Highway

Dave Tell

Revisiting Meredith v. Fair, we get the inside story of how critical race theory was developed in the years after Brown.

Con Academy

Jeffrey Bilbro

What data we do have on AI teaching tools suggest these technologies have the same limitations as older digital tools.

College Degrees or College Education?

Johann N. Neem

We do not know how to evaluate what makes up a good college education.

What Attica Prisoners Want Harvard Law Students to Know

John J. Lennon

Ignorance is ugly, particularly in prison. It’s loud and obnoxious and violent. It tumbles into my cell right now as I write this. But for some, education can quell that.

Princeton Seminary, Presbyterian Pastors, and Purpose

John D. Inazu

Confident pluralism at its best requires people and institutions that know themselves well enough to articulate the reasons for their differences.

Pruning the Mind During a Crisis

Margarita Mooney

Why should anyone focus on the life of the mind when individual and societal survival is threatened? 

The Problem with “Western” Religions on Campus

Anna Keating

The workplace had become so toxic that it was affecting my well-being.

The Idiosyncratic School of Reading

Richard Hughes Gibson

Self-knowledge and pleasure, the Idiosyncratics teach us, go hand in hand through the library.

Why Lecture?

Amy Wright

It’s easy to see how lectures got a bad rap. We have all been subjected to someone who abused the privilege of an audience. 

Where the Humanities Aren’t in Crisis

Scott Samuelson

The benefits of the humanities have danced so gracefully through these tutorials that it’s never occurred to any of us to ask what’s the point.

On Attentional Norms

Alan Jacobs

Zoom is a medium that offers constant permission to be distracted.

When a Jeremiad Falls Short

Ethan Schrum

There is no shortage of jeremiads about the American university.

In the Ruins of Western Civilization

Dan Edelstein

We can learn from the outdated Western Civ model, even as we transcend it.

The Model Minority Might Be Too Good at the Game

Johann N. Neem

Warikoo might have explored the ways in which Asian cultural repertoires matched up with the neoliberal transformation of our schools and colleges.


Richard Hughes Gibson

We all must adapt to a new textual culture made by GPT-3.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Todd C. Ream

Considering the purpose of free speech, from courts to classrooms. 

A New Rule of Education for the Age of AI

Richard Hughes Gibson

The answer cannot simply come in the form of another list of dos-and-don’ts.

Self-Censorship and Don Quixote

Alan Jacobs

The language of self-censorship removes the question from the moral realm in which it properly belongs.

Artisans of Words

Terence Sweeney

The emptiness of words, and our shared resignation to meaning manipulation, is no small matter.

Decline or Oscillation?

Alan Jacobs

What looks like a disastrous collapse in students’ literacy may be simply a reversion to a kind of mean.

Facing It

Evan Gurney

Reading words is hard enough for me without having to read faces too.

Maybe Even Build a Boat

Doug Stowe

John Ruskin said, “Lay a brick level in its mortar, or take a straight shaving from a plank, and you’ll have learned a multitude of things that the words of man can never tell.”

Chatbots and the Problems of Life

Alan Jacobs

I don’t like this collapse of trust; I don’t like being in a technological arms race with my students.

Why Individualism Fails to Create Individuals

Matthew B. Crawford

If I have to stand on my own two feet, epistemically, how can I be sure that my knowledge really is knowledge?