Raising the self to a higher power is grounded not in the liberating promises of technology but in the more mundane pursuit of excellent habits. Sometimes data can help. But only with coaches and teachers skilled enough to help us make sense of it, and help us learn how to practice.
Sullivan's statement was a missive from the bureaucratic bowels of an accounting machine. It was surely manufactured by public relations specialists and lawyers whose interests are simply fiduciary, concerned only with legal liability and potential fundraising.
If by “prejudice” Sandel means “subjective understanding,” then I’m not entirely sure it needs defending.
While architects like Frank Gehry and Rem Koolhaas despise the term starchitecture, it continues to bubble up in our celebrity obsessed culture. How does this term complicate how we talk about architecture and how we understand our cities?
That Edvard Munch never met Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the great missed encounters of the modern age.