Two Liberalisms of Fear

John Gray

In the longer perspective of history, “multiculturalism” does not denote one moment in a local debate about American identity; it signifies the normal condition of humankind.

“Beyond Boundaries”

Tulasi Srinivas

“The time is coming fast when the whole world will gather here.” Sathya Sai Baba

What Money Shouldn’t Buy

Michael J. Sandel

Is it true that there's nothing wrong with commodification that fair terms of social cooperation cannot cure?

The Universe in a Grain of Sand?

Johann N. Neem

Those committed to human rights at the global level should seek not to universalize the particular but rather to particularize the universal.

From the Editors

Joseph E. Davis and Jennifer L. Geddes

Thinking more deeply about how we can inhabit the public sphere with others.

States, Religious Diversity, and the Crisis of Secularism

Rajeev Bhargava

Western conceptions of political secularism do not appear to have travelled well to other societies.

The Meaning of Secularism

Charles Taylor

For the people to be sovereign, they need to form an entity and have a personality.

Rethinking Secularism

Craig Calhoun

The root notion of the secular is a contrast not to religion but to eternity.


Slavica Jakelić

A sourcebook of relevant titles on secularism.

Why a Hyper-Polarized Party System Weakens America’s Democracy

William Galston

The unending high-decibel partisan warfare has led many Americans to look back with nostalgia to the old consensual, if muddled party systems.

Polarization and the Crisis of Legitimacy

James Davison Hunter

The nature and purposes of the family, education, science, faith, business, the media, and government itself are all disputed at a fundamental level.

Non-Public Opinion

Jeffrey K. Olick and Andrew J. Perrin

The Frankfurt School scholars were motivated by their admiration for and their critique of American social science.

Justice: Thick and Thin

Daniel Philpott

Rare are intellectuals who both achieve a leading status in their field and relentlessly pursue knowledge that seeks to better the lives of ordinary people. Amartya Sen is one.

Main Street USA

James M. Jasper

Cities are capable of uniting people, especially compared to the isolation found in that great object of nostalgic fantasy, the family farm.

An Exemplary Social Scientist

Charles Kromkowski

Elster’s analysis is not another interpretative rereading or even a systematic dissection.

Beyond Tocqueville’s Telescope

Arlie Hochschild and Sarah B. Garrett

To what degree have we turned away from the public sphere and the obligations it lays upon us? Has this happened across all realms of life, or more in some realms and less in others?

American Culture Facing China’s Rise

Jeffrey C. Alexander and Hans Andersson

How America has long viewed China exerts no small influence on which path Washington will follow in its material and cultural relations with the People’s Republic. 

The Language Deficit

From the Editors

An Modern Language Association (MLA) study calling for curricular reform that addresses the need for increased language instruction and incorporates cultural and historical reflection. 

Reflections on the Crisis in the Humanities

Richard Wolin

The civic and practical goals of humanistic learning are necessarily related to the project of human autonomy, for there can be no autonomy apart from the provisos and attributes of self-knowledge.


Richard Sennett

In a world filled with mobile people—economic immigrants and political exiles in particular—an old humanist ideal might help us to give shape to our lives.

Last Man or Overman?

Michael E. Zimmerman

If the clever human life form were to project its power in the form of technologically advanced, artificial offspring, would Nietzsche offer a principled objection, and if so, what would be its basis?

Problems and Promises of the Self-Made Myth

Jim Cullen

The lack of focus on the self-made man in recent times is remarkable when one considers how intensely, and how long, it has functioned as a central trope of the American experience.

The Apocalyptic Strain in Popular Culture

Paul A. Cantor

Among their many meanings, zombies have come to symbolize the force of globalization.

Martin Luther King and the American Dream

Joseph E. Davis

MLK’s American Dream always appealed to the value of equality.

The American Dream

Lawrence R. Samuel

The original definition of the American Dream was rooted in the democratic principles of both the Founding Fathers and nineteenth-century transcendentalists.

Knowledge, Virtue, and the Research University

Chad Wellmon

Training in objective, scholarly techniques would produce particular types of ethical subjects.

One Nation Under Fear

Mark Edmundson

We have become a nation and a people that simply cannot abide risks.

Recovering the Vernacular

Thomas Fitzgerald

Venues now available for many more competing voices, together with the multiplying perspectives of our times—hailed as liberating diversity—serve as dispensation to believe in anything, everything, or nothing.

Re-enchantment and Iconoclasm in an Age of Images

Anna Marazuela Kim

Much like the old wars of religion that shaped Europe, the new wars are fought on the ground of the image.

Talking ’bout Their Generation

Charles Townshend

The aim is to re-examine the period up to the 1923 establishment of the Irish Free State in order to get beyond traditional approaches to understanding revolutionary change in terms of class or ideology.

Truth and Reconciliation

Frank Freeman

Taking the Socratic tradition to Palestine, Indonesia, New York’s Hasidic community, Brazil, and the Akwesasne Territory.

Putin, Ukraine, and the Question of Realism

John M. Owen IV and William Inboden

According to the realists, power is real, and all else is illusion.

Asian Re-enchantment

Benjamin Schewel

How Chinese and Indian modernizers adopted and transformed modern Western notions of “spirituality” in order to criticize Western materialism.

Birth of the Foodie

Leann Davis Alspaugh

Herbert Hoover’s US Food Administration did more than simply change Americans’ eating habits.

When Science Went Modern

Lorraine Daston

This was the nightmare of scientific progress: The truths of today would become the falsehoods—or at least the errors—of tomorrow.

Temps, Consultants, and the Rise of the Precarious Economy

Louis Hyman

Since 1970, temporary labor has become part of the everyday fabric of work across all segments of society, from the bottom to the top.

On Frank Speech

Matthew B. Crawford

The role of frank speech in democratic culture is something worth considering, especially in light of the renewed ferment over political correctness.

The Unhappiness of Happiness

William M. Chace

Selfish dreams and the pleasures of individualism never go away.

Monumental Woes

B.D. McClay

Symbols, like events, never float free from their context.

The Jefferson Brand

Timothy C. Jacobson

Between Jefferson’s profession of faith in the virtues of republican simplicity and the style of his own life the contradiction could hardly be greater.

Liberal Democracy and the Unraveling of the Enlightenment Project

James Davison Hunter

The question now is whether contemporary American democracy can even be fixed. 

Not Melting into Air

John M. Owen IV

Today the threat against liberalism is one of atrophy rather than violent death.

A Legacy of Payback

John J. Lennon

The first time I heard about Heather Ann Thompson’s Blood in the Water, I was in the Attica Correctional Facility’s auditorium-chapel, attending a twelve-step meeting.

Cosmopolitanism vs. Provincialism

Nancy Isenberg and Andrew Burstein

American politics thrives on exploiting confusion about real and perceived interests, whether those interests are tied to region or class, or both.

The Ideology of Anti-Ideology

Donald Dewey

We have harbored an ideology expressive of all-inclusiveness—one referred to with deceptive informality as the “American way of life.”

Shame, and “Those” Monuments

James McWilliams

The image moved me: Robert E. Lee, that icon of the Confederacy, whose likeness in bronze once towered several stories over New Orleans, was, after 132 years, gone, relegated (for now) to municipal storage.

What Makes Me Black? What Makes You White?

W. Ralph Eubanks

Race is an absurdity. Yet as a means of defining and separating people, it retains its power. 

The Lost Art of Dying

Thomas Pfau

Death is experienced as the total absence of meaning and, consequently, as something not to be understood but merely to be managed by drawing on medical ingenuity, pharmaceutical resources, and the (increasingly limited) forbearance of insurance companies.

Belonging to Europe

Jonathan D. Teubner

Far from being the hope of cosmopolitan liberal democracy, Europe is experiencing a reemergence of the national identities and antagonisms that European values and the union they were meant to bring about were supposed to prevent.

Biotech Cockaigne of the Vegan Hopeful

Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft

If we succeed in growing meat, we will do more than change human subsistence strategies forever.

There Are Only Alternatives

Ajay Singh Chaudhary

If there is one, overarching, redeemable quality to our moment, it is that ours is a time in which there can only be alternatives.

Good on Paper

Nan Z. Da

Books, reading, and literature cultivate “a way of being in time.”

Does Religious Pluralism Require Secularism?

Jennifer L. Geddes

What emerges in the essays in this issue is actually not one secularism, but rather a range of secularisms—French, American, Indian, and other—that can be compared, evaluated, and improved upon.

The Roots of the Arab Spring

Joseph E. Davis

While structures of power may change quickly, the building of a new social order is a longer and more precarious process.

The American Dream

Joseph E. Davis

How the American Dream—hope in the future—competes in these times with a pervasive pessimism.

Liberatory Education

Leslie W. Lewis

Education in the service of reparation can heal and make whole both individual persons and all of us.

Liberalism Strikes Back

Rita Koganzon

Liberalism today finds itself in the strange position of being the political philosophy that everyone lives by and no one wants to defend.

The Great Wall of Trump

Nancy Isenberg

What historical category truly contains a Trump? 

An Ever More Perfect Novel

Tyler Malone

The Great American Novel? Why are we still banging on about that old thing?

Paper Revolutions

Richard Hughes Gibson

If projects like E-Estonia mark a break with paper, they also represent the continuation of an administrative order made possible by the first paper revolution.

Toward a Culinary Ethos for the Twenty-first Century

Rachel Laudan

Never has food been delivered in such abundance, so far, or so safely.

The King’s Two Bodies and the Crisis of Liberal Modernity

Isaac Ariail Reed

We are living through a vertigo in political culture.

Richard Nixon, Modular Man

Phil Christman

What to make of Richard Nixon?

The Odd Couple

Natasha Zaretsky

Both Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey endorse the same belief: that there are only winners and losers.

Unbecoming American

Johann N. Neem

As a child, I thought that to be American was to believe in individuality, to support pluralism and equality, and to celebrate common holidays and eat common foods.

Blood Sports

B.D. McClay

True crime is not quite about watching people die, but it does require an interest in the subject.

A Grand Turk in Washington

Kevin Blankinship

Writing a book about Thomas Jefferson means entering a very crowded field.


Nadav Samin

America is at an inflection point.

Unveiling Our New Modernity

Jonathan D. Teubner

We are coming to see our world as increasingly discontinuous with the twentieth century.

The Machine Pauses

Stuart Whatley

Technology always holds the key to our salvation. The question is whether it also played a role in our original sin.

Learning from Typhoid Mary

B.D. McClay

Genuine risks to public health are commingled with selective punishment and prejudice.

Quantifying Vitality

Jackson Lears

Statistics in the Progressive Era were more than mere signs of a managerial government’s early efforts to sort and categorize its citizens.

Schooling in the Age of Human Capital

Daniel Markovits

Metrics do not and, in fact, cannot measure any intelligible conception of excellence at all

Into the Whirlpool

Rebecca Lemov

How predictive data put brainwashing on the spin cycle.

The Amodernist

Jay Tolson

Péguy’s critical stance toward both broad coalitions made him neither a modernist nor an antimodernist, but something quite distinctive and instructive.

Mind the Gap

Matt Dinan

Modernity needs to be revealed to us, because it so successfully hides its true character, insulating itself against revision and correction.

If These Walls Could Talk

Matthew D. Rodrigues

On our own sensitivity to the magnetism of objects.

Faulkner as Futurist

Carl Rollyson

For Faulkner, all of time existed as a moment, during which all could be changed: past, present, and future.

How to Cook a Wolf under Lockdown

Laurel Berger

As the crisis wears on, I find myself wondering about the code of hospitality.

Dissent and Solidarity

James Davison Hunter

King’s arguments for freedom and justice were not only constitutional but also profoundly ethical.

To Make the World Select for Democracy

John M. Owen IV

Cosmopolitan liberalism has reshaped international institutions and practices.

Taming the Furies

Martha Bayles

Every society in history has limited speech in some way, yet some have remained freer than others.

How Enduring the Promise?

Andrew Lynn

It is fair to say that a new economic populism has been rendered impotent by cultural identity markers that shape voting patterns.

America, the Exceptional?

Steve Lagerfeld

Once attacked for rejecting American exceptionalism, liberals now are in almost sole possession of it.

Why I Am a Socialist

Sam Adler-Bell

It is the irreducibly human dimensions of the radical life that are to be most cherished, and most feared.

Whose Humanities?

Edward Tenner

The humanities may have suddenly mattered more than ever, but their support was also as fragile as it had been for decades.

Another Betrayal of the Intellectuals

Jonathan D. Teubner

A historian charts the evolution of her own center-right liberalism.

The Wagner Effect

Charlie Tyson

Far beyond the opera house and the concert hall, we are living in a world Wagner helped make.

The Unbearable Burden of Invention

Witold Rybczynski

A corollary of giving priority to invention is that imitation, once the foundation of creativity in architecture, is banished.

The Great Simplifier

Mark Dunbar

If John Brown failed at anything, he failed at saving us from ourselves.

Thinking the Worst of Ourselves

Jackson Arn

We might be murderers, and we might not, but isn’t it safer to assume we are and be proven wrong? Maybe not.

Left Behind

Nancy Isenberg

The trouble with euphemism.

The Strange Undeath of Middlebrow

Phil Christman

Everything that was once considered lowbrow is now triumphant.

Paul Valéry and the Mechanisms of Modern Tyranny

Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody

All modern forms of government presume an objectification of their citizens.

Toward an Incarnational Aesthetic

Ashley C. Barnes

On locating the sublimity of art within the world and within history.

There’s Nothing Normal about Normal

Noah J. Toly

On the surface, “normal” might seem harmless, charmingly self-deprecating, maybe even endearing.

The Dehumanization Debate

Oliver Traldi

Why do people commit acts of cruelty?

The Man Who Saved Capitalism from Itself

Charlie Tyson

In studying Keynes, we watch radical ideas emerge filtered through a conservative sensibility.

Through a Monocle, Selectively

Jackson Arn

As a history of art and thought in the Cold War era, The Free World is enthralling but unsatisfying, inevitably so.

What Are the Humanities Good For?

Kyle Edward Williams

One of the problems with crises is that they require too much time and attention.

America’s Tailspin

Ronald Aronson

Despite obvious differences and contradictions, “we” extended across class and race and stressed our common vulnerability.

A Different Sense of Privilege

Steve Lagerfeld

Privilege today still comes with strings attached, but they are different now.

The Long, Withdrawing Roar

Philip S. Gorski

Over the last half century, there has been a transition from regular to irregular forms of cultural and political combat.

The Problem of Perishable Progress

Stuart Whatley and Nicholas Agar

Because so many of our material and technological advances have been inherited, we take them for granted and demand more.

Is There a Place for Utopia?

S.D. Chrostowska

Consider embracing utopia at once as indeterminate speculation about a qualitatively better future and as a hypothesis, by assuming it to be possible.

Democracy’s Thorn

Nancy Isenberg

If not minimized as an aberration, mob violence is often justified as the legitimate expression of popular will.

Authenticity in Fashion

Richard Thompson Ford

Concern with authenticity seems to be unique to societies marked by conspicuous racial or ethnic hierarchies.

Chasing Phillis Wheatley

Tara A. Bynum

Learning to read for the possibility or the certainty of laughter in the writings of Phillis Wheatley.

The Fake Book of Negroes

Gerald Early

Black Americans still embrace the exodus story as the defining trope of their collective experience.

My Identity Problem

Alan Shapiro

We used to want to assimilate into the mainstream. Now identity is front and center of what we want the world to know about us.

Another City

Charles Mathewes

Augustine is crucial to determining the continuity and dissimilarity between the Romans and ourselves.  

You’re Not the Boss of Me

Rita Koganzon

The liberty of the adult citizen depends on the subordination of the prepolitical child.

The House Always Wins

Malloy Owen

Virtual worlds have to be built by someone, and whoever builds them tells the story, writes the rules, composes the laws of physics, inscribes the boundaries of the possible, exerts an imperceptible influence on every thought, act, and outcome.

Myths Have Their Reasons…

Isaac Ariail Reed

Putting the cult back into culture in the analysis of politics.

A Happier Enlightenment

Richard Hughes Gibson

We can’t properly define the Enlightenment without making reference to happiness.

From Hard Hats to Scrubs

Colin Gordon

Understanding how the shambolic marriage of private and public coverage costs so much and delivers so little.

Power in the Blood

Brad East

Blood as discourse in the Christian imagination.

The Man Who Built Forward Better

Witold Rybczynski

Olmsted’s landscape creations, especially his urban parks, are anything but relics of the past—they remain a vital part of the present.

The Once and Vital Center

Antón Barba-Kay

The mythic bipartisan center was never a matter of niceness.

The First Authoritarian

Tae-Yeoun Keum

The eureka moment came when Popper perceived an affinity between Plato and fascism.

The Return of the King

Philip S. Gorski

We see the peculiar features of neoauthoritarianism as quite real modern-day reincarnations of the ancient tradition of divine kingship.

A Democratic Mythic?

Stephen K. White

Carrying forward an evolving “we” of the democratic imagination.

A Tale of Two Stories

Angel Adams Parham

Were it not for this creative, constructive impulse, the fire next time would have burned this country down many times over.

Small-Town USA

Phil Christman

A small town might well be angry; it is asked to do everything.

American Captivity

Ed Simon

The captivity narrative is the most American of genres, not just in fostering fear, paranoia, and violence but in contributing to the creation myth of a new variety of person: the American.

Injured Parties

Alan Jacobs

Ehrenerklärung—public acknowledgment of false accusations—is not one of the options offered by our social media culture.

There Are Thousands of Other Ways

Jackson Arn

The bulk of The Dawn of Everything is devoted to the exceptions.

Awaiting a New Prophetic Dispensation

Ian Marcus Corbin

Perhaps we can tuck our disagreements about fundamental things away into our private lives, and let the public sphere be a place for adjudicating public things.

Planetary Goggles

Rhoda Feng

Viewing the Anthropocene as “a measure of human impact on the planet” allows us to tell only one story.

Russia’s War, and Ours

John M. Owen IV

If Russia did not exist, we would have to invent it.

Nietzsche’s Quarrel with History

Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen

As much as we may wish otherwise, history gives us few reasons to believe that its moral arc bends toward justice.

A Usable Past for a Post-American Nation

Johann N. Neem

We are living through a time, however, when we cannot take our shared identity—and therefore our shared stories—for granted.

Vladimir and Volodymyr: A Pivotal Moment in History

Martha Bayles

Putin continues to play the Third Rome card that has brought him this far.

The Tragedy of the American Political Tradition

Nick Burns

What prospects are there today for assessing American politics and history from an early Hofstadterian remove?

The Evangelical Question in the History of American Religion

Kirsten Sanders

It is nearly impossible to be a white, American Christian without being an evangelical.


Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn

Fantasies of freeing ourselves of the baggage of the past run aground on the fact that humans are history-bearing animals.

Following Alexis de Tocqueville: A Conversation with Historian and Biographer Olivier Zunz

Jay Tolson

Tocqueville was acutely conscious of living in a special moment in history

On Patrimony

Brian Patrick Eha

In my father’s house are many rooms, but all are empty.

Democracy Disrupted

Eric B. Schnurer

What, then, of democracy? I doubt it will survive—at least in the form we know.

The Dream of Electric Sheep

Ryan Kemp

The Internet as we know and use it in our daily lives significantly limits our capacity for freedom in all the various and complex senses of the term.

To the Depths and Back

Christopher Sandford

Dostoevsky is an author who takes risks, makes us both laugh and wince.

You Won’t Miss Them Till They’re Gone

Paul Franz

Does anyone still need advice on how not to think like a liberal?

Market Failure

Jay Tolson

The essential component of the liberal project might be the marketplace of ideas.

Robert Bellah’s Search for Unity

Philip S. Gorski

Bellah held the conviction that religious matters were not purely intellectual, much less merely academic.

Gnosticism in Modernity, or Why History Refuses to End

Isaac Ariail Reed and Michael Weinman

Contending with a radical distrust of the created world.

The Eternal Hope of the Wandering Jew

David Stromberg

I’ve been cursed to envision peace without ever experiencing it myself.

Spirituality Ascendant

Richard Hughes Gibson

God’s funeral was premature.

Language for Life

Joseph M. Keegin

The resurrection of Carne-Ross’s book should give a little bit of hope

Hilary Mantel and the Historical Novel

David K. Anderson

Mantel demands that we inhabit Cromwell’s story along with him.

Hannah Arendt and the Loss of a Common World

Michael Weinman

The practice of exercising judgment requires that very common sense upon which a common world is based.

From Frankfurt to Fox

Malloy Owen

There is the looming sense that critical theory is somehow near the center of the crisis of our time.

Jumping Over Fire

Ohad Reiss-Sorokin

Amid the social turmoil of postwar Vienna, Othmar Spann’s class auditorium became a political battlefield.

The Monster Discloses Himself

Phil Christman

There is a world within the world, and that world is not, as it is for the Marxist, a metaphor. It’s where the lizard people meet.

Toward a Leisure Ethic

Stuart Whatley

What if the work-week were fifteen hours a week? What if it were zero?

The Spirit of Appomattox

Jonathan Clarke

Why is Shelby Foote's Civil War subject to so much contemporary debate?

After Liberalism

Jennifer A. Frey

MacIntyre is philosophically an antiliberal, yet he provides no real alternative to liberal democracy.

Nothing Succeeds Like Failure

Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn

Costică Brădățan’s argument in praise of failure rests on its ability to make us humble.

The Living Faith of the Dead

Kyle Edward Williams

Tradition is stalked by the uncertain possibility of either faithfulness or infidelity, handing down or handing over.

Pentecostal Compensations

Peter Hartwig

Pentecostal Christianity remains oddly ignored and misunderstood.

Immoral Hazard

Jonathan D. Teubner

Have we actually shifted the cost to those who take outsized risks?

Beyond Progressivism

John Milbank

We are witnessing the ultimate emergence of tensions latent in the very foundations of the modern.

The Far Invisible

Alan Jacobs

Pynchon diagnosed our idolatry of the inanimate.

Missed America

Johann N. Neem

When all the bad things America did are true, but none of the good things, something is amiss.

Realism Confronts Utopia

Richard Hughes Gibson

The verbomania that compelled ordinary Russians to devour thousand-page books appears increasingly remote, even mythological.

How Not to Tell Stories About Corporate Capitalism

Kyle Edward Williams

Turning the history of capitalism into a morality tale about good guys and bad guys is tempting.


Wilfred M. McClay

Transparent has become one of the staples of our commercial discourse, a form of bureaucratic-corporate-therapeutic-speak.

On the Trail—to Freedom?

Charlie Riggs

Cities are palimpsests, their contemporary surfaces concealing, though not entirely effacing, their more remote past.

Hamilton’s System

Jacob Soll

The US economy has succeeded with a most often nationalistic industrial policy in which government and industry work together.

Friendship and the Common Good

Andrew Willard Jones

Friendship is the reason for our lives. Nothing is more important.

The Historian’s Revenge

Witold Rybczynski

The architects were inspired by the local vernacular.

The New Prince

Andrew Lynn

Deneen’s politics of resentment primarily seeks to seize power from political enemies.

What Heidegger’s Notebooks Don’t Tell Us

Michael Weinman

We have a book that seems aimed at thwarting efforts by decent humanist scholars to read Heidegger for any reason other than to condemn him.

Defending Democracy Abroad

John M. Owen IV

The case for defending democracy abroad needs to be made anew.

Lenin’s Tomb

Christopher Sandford

At the climax of this progress into the inner depths of the mausoleum, a glimpse of Lenin himself suddenly appeared before us.

The Denial of the Moral as Lived Experience

James Davison Hunter

The young will be formed. The question is how.

What the Ancients Knew

Ryan S. Olson

The histories and literatures of antiquity can help us address some of our contemporary ethical deficit disorder.

The Character of Tragedy

Martha Bayles

Tragedies give pleasure because they make room for art.

Vocation and Moral Imagination

Angel Adams Parham

This is why the stories we surround ourselves with and immerse ourselves in matter.

The Necessity of Networks

James C. Rahn

The Claphamites unquestionably launched a revolution in manners that shaped what we have come to know as Victorian morality.

Preserving the Wilderness Idea

Brian Treanor

Calling the idea of wilderness into question makes as much sense as asking whether the United States is a democracy.

You Can’t Go Home Again

Charlie Tyson

Our thinking about nostalgia is badly flawed because it relies on defective assumptions about progress and time.

The Confessions of Peter Brown

Jonathan D. Teubner

The historian is our most modern of all scholars.

Cold War Liberalism in the Courtroom

Ohad Reiss-Sorokin

Moyn’s Cold War liberals might rightly be called “post-Holocaust liberals.”

Glimpses of Light from Enlightenment’s Prison

Claire Richters

Criticizing modern society because it falls short of normative ideals.

Waking From the Dream of Total Knowledge

Daniel Kraft

Considering how relationships of cooperation and perhaps even solidarity might be forged between human beings and animals.

Flaubert’s Antisentimental Sex

Joshua Hren

We would do well to heed Kafka’s insight that Flaubert found in family life a kind of flourishing he himself failed to seek.

The Department of Everything

Stephen Akey

A world that has tossed out the print edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica in favor of Wikipedia is not necessarily a richer one.

On Pilgrimage and Package Tours

Tara Isabella Burton

All “authentic” travel becomes a kind of secular pilgrimage.

Adventures Close to Home

Phil Christman

The cases for travel are often sillier than the cases against, and I think it’s important to question them.

In Search of the Broad Highway

Dave Tell

Revisiting Meredith v. Fair, we get the inside story of how critical race theory was developed in the years after Brown.

As You Were

Witold Rybczynski

There is nothing unusual about wanting to recreate a destroyed past.

The Man Who Was Not There

Ohad Reiss-Sorokin

The actual exchange between Oppenheimer and Einstein was far less cordial than the film’s version.

The Analyst and the Bard

Anna Ballan

The Freudian stain upon the literary imagination cannot be rinsed away. What, then, is the proper relation between psychoanalysis and literature?

The Age of the Average

Olivier Zunz

How did we reach the age of the average, and what did it mean for American democracy?

The Humor Is Almost Lost on Us

Martha Bayles

Instead of satire, which aims at improvement, we have snark.

The Vast Dechurching and the Paradox of Christianity’s Decline

Firmin DeBrabander

Christians will soon be a minority here, which was for most of this nation’s history unthinkable.

The Way We Don’t Live Now

David K. Anderson

The case for reading Anthony Trollope begins by recognizing that he should be read because he is not of our time.

Hive Mind

Matthew J. Milliner

The necessity of a genuine exchange (not just fatuous “dialogue”) between Christians and Buddhists is as important as ever.

Auden’s Island

Alan Jacobs

A new book finds Auden negotiating and renegotiating his relationship with the island on which he was born.

History Bedeviled

Paul Nedelisky

Were the signs and wonders of the early modern mystics divine or diabolical?

Why America Needs Cricket

Christopher Sandford

Cricket is surely the perfect corrective for a TikTok generation.

Just Another Liberalism?

Blake Smith

If Foucault is right, then we are by no means approaching an end to neoliberalism.

Captives of Desire

James E. Block

Neoliberalism rejected the assessment that the absence of constraints on desire undermined systemic viability.

There Are Alternatives

David Ciepley

The colonization of the market by corporations has accelerated the process of business and wealth concentration.

Whose Nationalism?

John M. Owen IV

Polite society must get over its aversion to talking about nationalism.

The Sum of Our Wisdom

Marilynne Robinson

We are told that we are a Calvinist culture, which means very little, and none of that good.

Honoring a Vet

Leann Davis Alspaugh

Returning to base, Davis and the other pilots heard their orders for the next day: Attack Kiska Harbor with everything they had regardless of the weather.

Recognizing Art

Leann Davis Alspaugh

When El Greco heard the insultingly low valuation for his work, he launched a long and bitter court battle that quietly changed the perception of artists and art in Spain.

What’s Behind Trump’s Wall?

Johann N. Neem

Do Trump’s supporters represent a new Know-Nothing movement?

Speaking Truth to Power

Leann Davis Alspaugh

As we remember the Challenger disaster, let’s not forget the engineers who tried to convince NASA not to send up the Space Shuttle on a cold morning thirty years ago.

High Hopes

Carl Desportes Bowman

Just as Obama became a symbol of progressive diversity, Trump has become a symbol of longing for a pre-Obama America.

In Self-Isolation with The Plague

John Rosenthal

To the relatives of the dead, the plague is here. 

False Positive

Eric B. Schnurer

How are we to respond when faced with competing  uncertainties?

A Painter Crawling toward God

Leanne Ogasawara

A deeply personal encounter with the plague.

The Dance of the Porcupines

Marie Kolkenbrock

There is a risk that we will compensate for the current sense of crisis and isolation with too much closeness.

Faulkner as Futurist

Carl Rollyson

Faulkner’s treatment of the past means much for the nature of our future.

Story of a Photograph

John Rosenthal

The man who approached me on Chartres Street looked like he’d been tossed away.

Tortoises and Tigers: The Pleasures of a Long Read

Richard Hughes Gibson

Why read long books? Well, if you have to ask…

When Disaster Is an Invaluable Lesson

Jay Tolson

Donald Trump’s manner was a declaration of indifference toward the values that make democracy possible.

A History Lesson from Alexander Hamilton

Richard Hughes Gibson

The events of January 6 went off script.

Is Trumpism Marxism?

Ronald Osborn

On the dangerous absurdity of political caricature.

More Than Just a Word

Richard Hughes Gibson

Americans have been making arguments about the nature of their unity from the beginning.

Dare We Call It Charisma?

Mark Edmundson

A trick that only the most gifted demagogues can bring off.

Frederick Douglass and the American Project

Richard Hughes Gibson

It would be hard to blame him if he had lost faith in the republic.

Do We Absolutely Disagree?

Alan Jacobs

Well known free speech advocates may not always be free speech absolutists.

Reading Wealth of Nations and Meeting Adam Smith

Richard Hughes Gibson

To measure the Wealth of Nations, you had to inspect the shirts on people’s backs and the shoes on their feet.

Critical Theory and the Newest Left

Alexander Stern

Corporations are not defanging a threatening ideology but welcoming it back home from a field trip.

Writing a Life

Alan Jacobs

The question I want to ask is simply this: Is the writing of a Life a game that, in our current moment, can be played?

Changing Times

Mark Edmundson

Once upon a time there was a publication that was doing all it could to tell a straight story and to listen to all sides.

Finding Fukuyama’s Ends

Addis Goldman

Western liberal democracy is something worth aspiring toan optimal destiny, not an imminent fate.

Where the Critics of Liberalism Go Wrong

Andrew Lynn

Postliberalism comes to embody a form of cultural criticism that ultimately does not believe in culture itself.

G.K. Chesterton and the Art of the First Nations

Matthew J. Milliner

The secrets of Jerusalem are also lodged in Jacksonville, Joplin, and Joliet

Why Carl Schmitt Matters to China

Addis Goldman

It would be prudent to take the Chinese at their word––especially if it is bound up in the mystifying language of Carl Schmitt.

Athelstan the Woke

Alan Jacobs

I myself stopped using the term a while back.

Galloway in the Shadow of Wendell Berry

John-Paul Heil

Nature knows what is best for itself better than we do.

Race, MLK, and the Allure of Made-for-TV Justice

Andrew Lynn

Media executives have honed the craft of attracting national interest to flair-ups and clashes over school board proceedings, controversial small business practices, or more recently, police misconduct.

Podcast: Political Mythologies

The Editors

A conversation about the role of mythmaking in modern politics.

Ukraine: Against History and Geography

Richard Hughes Gibson

Ukraine has become the geography of vicious truths

How to Destroy a Civilization

Walter C. Clemens, Jr.

Where is culture that gave humanity the symphonies and operas of Glinka, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov?

When a Jeremiad Falls Short

Ethan Schrum

There is no shortage of jeremiads about the American university.

What Is Going on with American Converts to Russian Orthodoxy?

Mikel Hill

The circumstances that led to veneration of the tsar and his family cannot be so easily reduced to a reactionary craving for Christian theocracy.

Past Lives of the Paragraph

Richard Hughes Gibson

Making a new paragraph is as easy as drawing a thin line in the margin.

In the Ruins of Western Civilization

Dan Edelstein

We can learn from the outdated Western Civ model, even as we transcend it.

Why American Conservatives Get Viktor Orbán So Wrong

Adam Kovach

Viktor Orbán has become a canvas for the projection of hopes and fears about the future of democracy in the West.

Saving Face

Leann Davis Alspaugh

The face we present to the world is the primary signifier we possess.

Feathered and Feather-Less Bipeds

Jesse Russell

The genealogical approach has found surprising success in an unlikely genre.

Hunting the White Goddess

Jesse Russell

It seems that neo-paganism is attractive in part because it offers an identity to those who have rejected postmodern, deracinated versions of Christianity.

The Postmodern Pope

Stephen G. Adubato

Benedict shared with skeptics, postmodernists, and existentialists the suspicion of the modern trust in the benevolence of the human will.

Love and Mr. Lincoln

Vincent Ercolano

What if Ann Rutledge had lived, and she and Lincoln had married?

All Ben’s Boys

James Conaway

An institution entering the last of its salad days while still running on the fumes of its preening self-importance.

The Almost Unbearable Burden of Belonging

David Stromberg

What to become? Dissident or emigrant? Move abroad?

The Beatles and the Glory of Creative Risk

Vincent Ercolano

It took the roiling events of 1963 to open the ears and hearts of the American public to the Beatles.

David Hume’s Guide to Today’s Politics

Alan Jacobs

The primary social forces disrupting American society today are modern versions of two false religions.

Well Said

Michael Milburn

Whether or not we find beauty in rhetoric, its eloquence depends on its power to persuade.

Starting Out

James Conaway

When the going was good for a fledgling writer.

The Art of Prediction and the Arc of the Moral Universe

Eric B. Schnurer

Plausible forecasts may help us avert the worst political calamities.

Who’s Afraid of Barbara Wawa?

James Conaway

That I have no idea who Barbara Walters is doesn’t matter nearly as much as the fact that this is the Times.

Fourth of July Democracy

Emery Roe

We don’t wait. We start our own constitutional convention.

Means of Ascent

Vincent Ercolano

The president and the humble staircase: a short survey.

The Weimar Mood

Mark Dunbar

Listening for those voices from the deep.

Kundera and the Question of Jewish-Israeli Identity

Yiftach Ofek

Kundera chose to take the long view, reflecting on the relationship between the Jews and Europe, and, more broadly, on the Jews and that European, literary spirit to which he saw himself heir.

The Man for Whom Everything Was a Game

Mark Dunbar

John von Neumann’s life ended the way many of those of his intellectual caliber end: in madness.

The Courage to Forget

Firmin DeBrabander

Memories are important because—and when—they are selective, and few.

Whose Terror?

David Stromberg

I remember hearing the news and thinking that this was going to end badly for everyone. I had no idea just how bad things would get.

Unfinished Business

Richard Hughes Gibson

An unfinished fiction is a memento mori.

Democracy and Dr. Kissinger

John M. Owen IV

Kissinger the scholar studied power. Kissinger the statesman acquired power, guarded it, and wielded it.

Autocracy Rising

Eric B. Schnurer

Turkey presents an inversion of the usual presumptions about the current global struggle between liberalism and conservatism.

Presentation and Power

Mark Dunbar

The protests and protest candidates failed because they lacked organizational structures and concrete policies.

Taking the Long View

Richard Hughes Gibson

The historical novel strives to recreate not only the material dimensions of a past age but also its mindset.

Return of the False Messiah

David Stromberg

Understanding the extent of the threat posed by Bibi requires a broad historical perspective.

The Arts as Resistance

Arthur Aghajanian

What are the implications for any society that emphasizes monuments to power and domination over imagination and the arts?

A Jazz Age Mystery in a Reimagined America

Alan Jacobs

A murder mystery that is also an impressive sociological imaginary.

From the Warp and the Woof, We Rise

Jonathan Coleman

Dick Allen faced racist taunts and boos so numerous and unrelenting that he became the first player in baseball to wear his batting helmet out in the field.

Inside Out and Outside In

David Stromberg

Camus embodied an existence that was itself conflicted, caught between the vectors of history and lived experience.

Our Very Own Lake Como Moment

António Pedro Barreiro

As he roamed the edges of Lake Como, Romano Guardini foresaw the birth of a new world.

Framing the World: The Indispensable Genre

Ed Simon

Scheherazade’s story is about stories themselves. 

Are You Being Played?

Jay Tolson

Our Ubu is the Savage God who embodies the worst of us.

Shakespeare the Suicide?

Larry Lockridge

Shakespeares plays are full of suicides, some noble, others not very.

American Literature and the Liberal Way of Life

Scott M. Reznick

A renewed attention to the American literary tradition may be one of the most important imaginative and spiritual exercises for restoring our liberal way of life.

The Creative Mind in Captive Times

David Stromberg

The times may be captive, but the thinking has to remain free.

The New Yorker and the American Voice

Ed Simon

The New Yorker is responsible for the twentieth-century’s American high-brow voice.